Soil Fertility & Nutritional Consultancy

By understanding the soil, plant, nutritional and biological connection, we can create a process to manage and restore a successful system’

Soil Fertility consultancy

Edaphos believe that it is all about microbes cycling organic material. You can put carbon into the system and microbes will digest, recycle, and rebuild it into humus. In this digesting/recycling process, microbes are releasing compounds and nutrients that actually help feed the crop.

A healthy fertile soil cycles organic material and releases nutrition to the plant at a time the plant requires it. A soil in a biologically depleted state is unable to do this, the soil/plant/root interaction is less efficient leading to a cascade of issues that need outside intervention to manage these symptoms.

Fertility is really the culmination of all factors that are instrumental in funding a successful soil that can digest, recycle, rebuild, and release all that is necessary to fund a healthy high yielding crop. In nature plants find their place, but in agriculture we plant them, a very important difference.

One of the most important factors to remember is that soil is not an inert medium and as such sustaining the life force is absolutely key to achieving both fertility and productivity. Plants recognise the important role of microbes within their root structures and will provide a substantial part of their energy from all photosynthesis production to feed the microbes as an immediate food source to promote their functions.

Our Workflow


Collect and understand all the vital information


Review and assess all information and processes


Create a range of solutions to suit your farms individual needs


Work with you to implement the solutions


Test and measure the impact. Then review and refine the solution

Crop nutrition consultancy

Nutrition includes all factors taken from soil and biologically available nutrients, applied forms either as in an inorganic form such as N:P:K compounds or organic sources such as manures and compost and certainly not to be forgotten, non-mineral atmospheric elements such as hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. Nutrients are needed for a plant to grow, function, metabolise and reproduce that means that working on plant nutrition can help to increase crop yield, quality and health. Differing nutritional methods can also allow you to bypass any current limitations in terms of soil health, it can also remediate current crop deficiencies and improve plant functions and health to enable a reduction in pest and/or disease pressure. (Lower chemical inputs).

Soil nutrition, in most cases of intensive farming in this age, cannot be sourced from just one factor; either from the soil or being supplied as a compound or manure. Single factor sourcing is linked to poor soil health and deterioration, as well as the widespread use of chemical fertilisers. Methods such as these are not taking into account the needs of all the elements supplied as a balance to maximize plant functions, interactions and growth. As such we have reached limitations that need to be addressed and it is essential for advisers to fully understand the interactions between elements, plant physiology and soil health.

Edaphos offers soil fertility and nutritional consultancy. Our consultants have experience and detailed knowledge in nutrient impacts on yield, plant growth, crop quality and health. Crop nutrition, to us, does not just consist of fertilisers applied to crops, it is a make-up of all inputs that the plant would utilise, this involves soil, microbes, fertilisers and atmospheric elements. We look in depth at nutrient interactions, crop limitations, nutritional balance, plant health, environmental factors, microbial activity and the makeup and availability of elements to evaluate nutrient needs and plans.

Our Packages

Full day consultancy

1 full day of consultancy including one follow up visit.

Half day consultancy

1 half day of consultancy including one follow up visit. 

Hourly consultancy

Consultancy by the hour, used for a quick opinion on a specific scenario.

Soil fertility

4 half day visits per annum includes interpretations and discussion of any analysis taken.

Nutritional advice package

4 half day visits per annum includes interpretations and discussion of any analysis taken.


Regular full agronomy services, including soil fertility and nutritional advice.